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Everyone is currently experiencing rising costs and this applies to performance artist and musicians as well as music festival organisers. What are the implications for organisers looking to book their artist line-up for events taking place in 2023 and what are the primary considerations.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 27 December 2022


Sometimes called member get member these schemes are marketing programmes that leverage existing customers to recruit new customers. Music festival organisations can utilise these schemes to generate new sales at a vastly reduced cost whilst strengthening brand loyalty at the same time.


Andy Robertson - Friday 23 December 2022


Advances in technology have enabled organisations to reach wider audiences with their offerings. The online presence of websites and social media have facilitated the creation of new sales channels where ecommerce technology helps generate instant sales and revenue. How can organisers harness all available sales channels to maximise revenue.


Andy Robertson - Thursday 22 December 2022


Newsletters in any industry are a great way to engage and communicate with customers and prospects. The old paper newsletter has largely disappeared and been replaced with an electronic variant. How can music festival organisers maximise marketing and sales opportunities with their own newsletter. 


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 21 December 2022


Almost every music festival organisation now offers a pre-registration scheme for festival-goers interested in future ticket purchases. What are the benefits to festival-goers registering and to organisers operating these schemes and how can be they be managed to improve both efficiency and sales revenue.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 20 December 2022


For most people the autumn and winter months mean the end of festival season and a return to normality. This is also a time to recover and look forward to next year’s events but what are the typical symptoms and how can individuals prepare themselves and fully recover in the 12 months between their favourite festival.


Andy Robertson - Monday 19 December 2022

Every music festival will list items that can and cannot be brought onto a festival site and these are usually listed on the event’s website. The reasons for prohibiting items can vary between being outright illegal or to maintaining the safety and integrity of the event and prevention of harm to festival-goers.


Andy Robertson - Friday 16 December 2022


Any sizeable music festival will always focus on the artist line-up and promoting confirmed bookings as this is what drives ticket sales. In addition to artists booked organisers also strive to offer different content and services for festival-goers. What are the key offerings organisers can consider to diversify experiences for festival-goers.


Andy Robertson - Thursday 15 December 2022


During the planning phase for any music festival the curation of performance artists involves fee negotiation along with advancing and riders. Artists may make claims for additional expenses incurred during the event and the management of these is critical to budgetary control for festival organisers.


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 14 December 2022


Any gathering of large numbers of people is always a concern to local police whose primary concerns are potential safety, criminal activity and local disruption. Most police forces have someone responsible for co-ordinating events with festival organisers along with processes and procedures for notification and approval to proceed.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 13 December 2022


Festival-goers always eagerly await the announcements of headliners and line-ups for music festivals. For events taking place in the summer months the most popular time for announcements is autumn and winter but how do organisers decide which artists are headliners and in which order to present them.


Andy Robertson - Monday 12 December 2022

Artist curation for music festivals is a challenging occupation and the current economic climate is making this more difficult. In addition music tastes are changing faster than ever before and predicting popularity a year in advance remains one of the biggest challenges for artist curators.


Andy Robertson - Friday 9 December 2022


Music festivals rely on the help of volunteers to make their events happen and managing them can be challenging. From recruitment and training to the allocation of shifts a volunteer manager is often a full-time role. Issuing a conduct policy for volunteers can save time on training and supervision management time.


Andy Robertson - Thursday 8 December 2022


Accurate accreditation for back stage and hospitability zones of music festivals is vital for security and safety reasons. Historically the accreditation process has often been subject to abuse but technology is helping to rectify this. What can festival organisers do to ensure that their on-site accreditation processes operate smoothly with no errors.


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 7 December 2022


Large music festivals can have hundreds of vendors and the money earned from pitch spaces is a crucial revenue stream for organisers. Popular festival vendor pitches are often oversubscribed and meticulous selection criteria are used to choose vendors that fit with the event’s ethos and can provide goods and services wanted by festival-goers.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 6 December 2022


Despite the best efforts of festival organisers there are still cases of discrimination taking place at music festivals, both reported and unreported. Western countries do have strict laws regarding every type of discrimination giving anyone on the receiving end some legal redress, however, what practical steps can organisers take to prevent discrimination on festival sites. 


Andy Robertson - Monday 5 December 2022

Over the years some iconic music festivals have disappeared for a variety of reasons never to return. Is there any value in these defunct festival brands and is it worth reviving an old festival brand under new ownership. What are the pitfalls and potential benefits of reviving an old festival band.


Andy Robertson - Friday 2 December 2022

The business environment is in a very different place now compared to 2019 and understanding trends for the coming year is vital. The live events sector was especially hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic but new challenges are coming from rising inflation and wavering economies.


Andy Robertson - Thursday 1 December 2022


With an emphasis on sustainability and waste reduction single use plastics are now banned from most music festival sites. Alternative containers are encouraged and include recyclable plastic or paper cups and those made from metal. Glass is an ideal container as it is easily recycled and can be reused so why is glass banned from most festival sites? 


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 30 November 2022


Music festival branding is playing an increasingly important role in an organisation's success. Festival branding encompasses numerous aspects from committed loyal staff, great line-ups, exceptional customer service and festival-goer experience. Once these building blocks are in place the festival brand can be enhanced with merchandise.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 29 November 2022

The majority of music festivals embrace good causes and support for social and environmental issues but there are occasions when protesters operate outside of the festival organisation. How can organisers manage protesters who refuse to cooperate and are intent on disrupting an event.


Andy Robertson - Monday 28 November 2022


Revenue from sponsorship is an essential lifeblood of every music festival. Alcohol brands have traditionally been amongst the biggest financial sponsors of music festivals but there are moves from pressure groups and government bodies to restrict or ban alcohol and other ‘undesirable’ sponsorship from some live events.


Andy Robertson - Friday 25 November 2022


Music festival organisers need to reach their target audiences to sell tickets for their event and a key element of this is the regular media splash of news regarding line-ups and ticket availability. To get relevant news published in an accurate and timely manner many festival organisers enter into media partnerships.


Andy Robertson - Thursday 24 November 2022

Funding is crucial to the development and growth of any event especially in the arts and music sectors. There are financial grants available for those qualified in most counties with numerous government funded schemes running. What is currently available for organisers of arts and music events.


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 23 November 2022


With the prices of music festival tickets getting ever more expensive the use of payment plans to purchase tickets is becoming common practice. The ability to offer some form of credit can be a complex process for festival organisers in the UK where offering such plans is usually regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 22 November 2022


Music festivals taking place in remote locations will need to generate their own electricity to make it possible for the event to operate. The traditional route for providing power has always been the diesel generator but what other options are available for festival organisers keen to make their events more sustainable with a reduction in carbon footprint.  



Andy Robertson - Monday 21 November 2022

Every music festival offers some form of VIP package to festival-goers as part of their ticketing options. VIP packages have been increasing in popularity as festival-goers have more disposable income and seek to escape from wet muddy fields. How can organisers mange this important aspect of the modern-day music festival.


Andy Robertson - Friday 18 November 2022

Any sizable music festival generates huge amounts of data every year as part of their operational processes. Whilst it’s tempting to delete historical data from previous events and start the new festival season with a clean slate there are key important reasons why previous event data should be archived for future reference. 


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 16 November 2022

The number of artists, crew, contractors, staff and volunteers working on a music festival site can stretch to the thousands and all these individuals need feeding over the course of the live dates. How can festival organisers manage the on-site catering and issuing of meal tickets to ensure that everyone is sufficiently fed in a timely manner. 


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 16 November 2022

Managing ticket and pass accreditation for music festivals is a trending topic in 2022. How can festival organisers get to grips with the management of their accreditation processes to ensure that the right people have the correct access to appropriate zones and areas of a music festival site.


Andy Robertson - Monday 14 November 2022
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