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The provision of clean safe drinking water at any outdoor festival is essential. A summer festival can experience hot and dry weather and it is vital that festival-goers and all on-site visitors stay hydrated and cool to prevent medical issues. What solutions are available for festival organisers to provide water on remote festival sites.


Andy Robertson - Friday 31 March 2023

Music festivals are gaining traction in popularity, particularly post coronavirus and this may be due to ticket buyers seeking an ‘experience’ rather than a commodity. In order to capitalise on this growth organisers may need to re-think how they brand and promote their festivals in the future.  


Andy Robertson - Thursday 30 March 2023

Experienced music festival organisers never underestimate the amount of work that is required in preparing a site before any construction or load in occurs. Remote locations selected as venues for music festivals are never the same, what are the essential steps required to comprehensively prepare a festival site.


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 29 March 2023


The queues for food and drink at any music festival can be one of the top complaints made by festival-goers. What technology initiatives can festival organisers take to reduce the queue times for food, beverages and merchandise enhancing the overall festival experience for visitors.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 28 March 2023


In an increasingly competitive market music festival organisers are striving for ever more spectacular special effects to wow their audiences. What options are available for organisers when considering incorporating an impressive visual display to accompany artist's performances.


Andy Robertson - Monday 27 March 2023


Music festival organisers put great emphasis on announcing their performance artist line-ups each year as this is a key driver for ticket sales. What additional steps can organisers take to maximise the impact of these announcements and generate even greater interest, engagement and ticket sales revenue.


Andy Robertson - Friday 24 March 2023


Music festival organisations require internet access and mobile connectivity to operate many of their backroom functions. This necessitates the installation of a temporary mobile connectivity solution on site which will also benefit on-site visitors whether they are vendors, sponsors or festival-goers.


Andy Robertson - Thursday 23 March 2023

Every music festival will have an online presence with a website and social media channels and these are great vehicles to communicate with existing and new customers. The website content presented should be attractive and give an immediate impression of the atmosphere at the festival and images play a key role in achieving this.


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 22 March 2023

Most sizeable music festivals have been using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology in their festival-goer wristbands for some years now. What developments are currently taking place with this technology and design that festival organisers need to consider for events this year and into the future.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 21 March 2023

The provision of hygienic washing facilities on a muti-day music festival remote site is essential to comply with health and safety requirements as well as providing a more comfortable stay for festival-goers. What are the key considerations for festival organisers when planning their on-site washing facilities.


Andy Robertson - Monday 20 March 2023


Despite commitments form many music festival organisers to make their events more diverse it is apparent from media reports that many festivals are still dominated by predominantly white male artists and headliners. What can festival organisers do to address this imbalance and make their future artist selection more diverse.  


Andy Robertson - Friday 17 March 2023


Creating a multi-day music festival with hundreds of performance artists and multiple stages requires meticulous planning. What are the planning steps required by producers and stage mangers to archive seamless shows and performances that blend well with the site environment and atmosphere of a music festival.


Andy Robertson - Thursday 16 March 2023

There are numerous recognised institutions that offer a variety of music festival related formal courses that include live event production and technical topics. Courses available range from short part-time informal training at local colleges to 4-year bachelor's and master's degrees available at recognised universities.


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 15 March 2023

In the current economic climate of rising prices and high interest rates operating a music festival profitably will likely be a challenge in 2023. What measures can organisers look at with a view to reducing their operating costs without impacting on the quality of the event delivery and experience.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 14 March 2023

Installing a reliable electricity supply for a music festival on a remote site can be challenging and expensive. What considerations are there for organisers when planning their temporary power supply installation to ensure that the event runs smoothly and safely in a sustainable manner.


Andy Robertson - Monday 13 March 2023

Most music festival entities publish sustainability policies, but these can be worthless if everyone working for the event is not committed to fulfilling these policies. What steps can festival organisers take to ensure that their staff, volunteers and suppliers show a demonstrable commitment to any stated sustainability policies.


Andy Robertson - Friday 10 March 2023


The wide variety of food and beverage options often found at music festivals is usually the result of organisers trying to offer options that fit well with the event's overall ethos. What can festival-goers expect to see from food vendors this year that will provide alternatives to the usual fast-food offerings.


Andy Robertson - Thursday 9 March 2023


The first quarter of every year is usually the time that festival organisers start their volunteer recruitment for the summer festival season. It is now common for workplaces to embrace DEI in all aspects of their talent management from recruitment to every day working practices. DEI policies should apply equally to festival volunteers as any full-time permanent staff.  Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Wednesday 8 March 2023


There is an unwritten code of behaviour for festival-goers which is well understood by regular ticket buyers. This code of etiquette is mostly common sense but for new festival-goers and those who have not been to an event in a number of years there are some trending changes for 2023.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 7 March 2023

Outside the United States Americana themed festivals continue to grow in popularity despite remaining relatively niche events. What is the attraction and appeal of these festivals that makes them endure and prosper in the face of increased competition from mainstream festivals.


Andy Robertson - Monday 6 March 2023

Having a forum for music festival fans is a great way increase engagement with existing and potential ticket buyers. Creating an official festival forum can help control the narrative, topics and discussions about the event. What are the benefits of a festival’s own forum and how can organisers get started.  


Andy Robertson - Friday 3 March 2023


The large fees paid to a headline act appearing at a large well-known music festival can sometimes attract media attention. Are their fees increasing and widening the gap between these lucky few artists and emerging talent? What's causing this disparity and are there any solutions.


Andy Robertson - Thursday 2 March 2023


The introduction of low emission zones (LEZ’s) in many European cities in recent years could have numerous implications for event organisers who choose to use city venues. Where are these LEZ’s and what should festival and event organisers know to minimise the financial impact of these changes.


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 1 March 2023

Good coverage in relevant media can boost awareness and interest in a music festival ultimately leading to higher demand for attendance and ticket sales. Festival organisers manage their PR in various ways depending on the resources available. How can a smaller up and coming music festival maximise their coverage with limited resources.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 28 February 2023

Some popular music festivals enjoy the benefit of quickly selling out as soon as tickets go on sale. Unfortunately, this only applies to the large most well-known festivals and many smaller events can struggle to sell their tickets. Running a prize draw competition can boost interest in an event and generate increased ticket sales.


Andy Robertson - Monday 27 February 2023


An often-overlooked aspect of organising any music festival is the allocation of meal tickets for crew and artists. A hungry and disappointed artist may not perform well so organisers should ensure they have robust plans in place for catering arrangements and the allocation of meal tickets well in advance of the live event dates.


Andy Robertson - Friday 24 February 2023


Booking and scheduling the backline equipment that is used at every music festival is an essential part of the event logistics planning. What are the trends organisers should be considering this year when making decisions about the suppliers and specifications of their backline equipment for future events. 


Andy Robertson - Thursday 23 February 2023

Most open-air music festivals take place in countryside locations and farmland where the impact on local wildlife can be significant. What measures can music festival organisers take to manage and minimise the impact of their event on the local wildlife and environment to maintain biodiversity.


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 22 February 2023

There has been much comment in the media recently about the large rises in the costs of music festival tickets. Despite the seemingly high prices for attending a 3-day music festival in 2023 they probably still represent excellent value for money when compared to the cost of attending a one-off concert. 


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 21 February 2023

Music festival sites can look messy and unkempt after several days and this does not convey a positive image to festival-goers. With some festivals receiving thousands of visitors keeping the site looking fresh and clean can be a challenge and is a common criticism by visitors who often complain of piles of rubbish and safety hazards.


Andy Robertson - Monday 20 February 2023
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